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Landfill report: ECLF ‘strategically positioned’Enterprise Publisher An environmental specialist hired by the Board of Commissioners to prepare an assessment of value and potential of the Evans County Landfill (ECLF) was presented to the BOC for their regular meeting last week. The report, titled ECLF Solid Waste Audit & Feasibility Study, prepared at a cost of $7,500 by Matt Roper, who is considered an expert in environmental matters that relate to landfill operations, concludes that the C&D landfill is well run and could enjoy profitability but needs additional investment. Roper resides in North Georgia and has gained extensive experience in solid waste operations, environmental compliance, and myriad environmental issues.

An environmental specialist hired by the Board of Commissioners to prepare an assessment of value and potential of the Evans County Landfill (ECLF) was presented…